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Microsoft 365 is a comprehensive suite of productivity tools and services offered by Microsoft. It includes applications such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, Teams, and many others, designed to help individuals and organizations collaborate, communicate, and create content more effectively.

Microsoft 365 also provides cloud storage, security features, and device management capabilities, enabling users to work seamlessly across various devices and platforms. With subscription-based pricing models, Microsoft 365 offers flexibility and scalability, making it a popular choice for businesses of all sizes and individuals seeking productivity solutions


Dynamics 365 Business Central-User can personalize his Role Center

Dynamics 365 Business Central- External accountant permissions

Microsoft Dynamics 365 - Certifications

D365 Business Central - Overview

Dynamics GP Vs. Dynamics 365 BC Transaction correcting Process

Dynamics GP Vs. Dynamics 365 BC - Vendor Payment Process